Tim Judah
Not Available
In Stock
£10.79 £11.99
Social Entrepreneurship
David Bornstein and 1 more
£9.89 £10.99
Animal Rights
Paul (President and 4 more
Paul ( and 2 more
Print on Demand / Special Order
The Cyprus Problem
James Ker-Lindsay
James (Senior Research Fellow and 2 more
Nuclear Energy
Charles D. Ferguson
Drugs and Drug Policy
Mark A.R. (Professor of Public Policy and 3 more
Andrew Finkel
Sudan, South Sudan, and Darfur
Andrew S. ( and 3 more
£47.70 £53.00
Ray (Professor and 4 more
Charles D. (President and 4 more
José (Professor and 5 more
Marijuana Legalization
Jonathan P. (Stever Professor of Operations Research and Public Policy and 1 more
Jason (Assistant Professor of Business and Philosophy and 2 more
Reproductive Politics
Rickie (Historian and Writer and 4 more
Rickie Solinger
The Catholic Church
John L. Allen
The Federal Reserve
Stephen H. (Former Staff Director for Monetary and Financial Policy and Staff Director and Secretary of the Federal Op Axilrod
William Chislett
£51.30 £57.00
£11.69 £12.99
David (Professor of Asian Studies and 2 more
Invasive Species
Daniel (Nancy Gore Hunger Professor of Environmental Studies and 2 more
P. C. Doherty
Temporarily Out Of Stock
Peter C. ( and 1 more
Cybersecurity and Cyberwar
Peter W. (Senior Fellow and 4 more
£45.90 £51.00
Alex Prud'homme
P. W. Singer and 1 more
The Gun Debate
Philip J. (ITT/Terry Sanford Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics and Sociology and 1 more
American Higher Education in Crisis?
Goldie (Senior Writer and 2 more
Goldie Blumenstyk
Marine Pollution
Judith S. (Professor of Biological Sciences and 2 more
Agricultural and Food Controversies
F. Bailey (Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and 2 more
Michael Ruse
Michael (Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Program in the History and Philosophy of Scien Ruse
Modern Greece
Stathis N. Kalyvas
Miguel Tinker-Salas
The Arab Uprisings
James Gelvin
The US Special Forces
John Prados
John (Senior Fellow and 2 more
£43.19 £47.99
Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement
Daniel (Professor of Security Studies and 2 more
Daniel Byman
Stephen P. (Professor and 4 more
Health Care Reform and American Politics
Lawrence (Professor of Political Science and 3 more
Military Ethics
George R. Lucas
George (Professor Emeritus and 2 more
James K. Galbraith
Genomics and Personalized Medicine
Michael Snyder
James K. (Lloyd M. Bentsen and 3 more
Michael (Professor and Chair and 4 more
The Pornography Industry
Shira and 7 more
Shira Tarrant
Sarah (Assistant Professor of Government and 2 more
Jonathan P. Caulkins and 2 more
Jonathan P. (H. Guyford Stever Professorship of Operations Research and Public Policy and 1 more
Riordan Roett
Campaign Finance
Robert E. (Independent scholar and 1 more
The Ethics of Sport
Robert L. (Walcott-Bartlett Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and 2 more
Julia Sweig
Riordan (Professor of Political Science and 2 more
Robert L. Simon
Timothy J. (Professor of Government and 2 more
Campus Politics
Jonathan (Professor of Education and History and 3 more
Timothy J. Colton
Artificial Intelligence
Jerry Kaplan
Jerry (Fellow and 4 more
Michael (Senior Lecturer and Director of Center for Persian and Iranian Studies and 1 more
Maxwell L. (Research Affiliate and 2 more
Maxwell Lincoln Anderson
Michael Axworthy
Julia (Research Fellow and 3 more
The Brain
Gary L. Wenk
Ray (Professor Slater Family Professor in Behavioral Economics and 1 more
The News Media
C.W. (Assistant Professor of Media Culture and 3 more
Puerto Rico
Jorge (Director and 4 more
Gary Lee Wenk
Environmental Protection
Pamela (Adjunct Lecturer in Law and 2 more
The Global Pain Crisis
Judy (Health Journalist and 2 more
Raymond Fisman and 1 more
Pamela Hill
Roderic Ai (Philip M. McKenna Professor of the Pacific Rim and 2 more
Economic Development
Marcelo Giugale
Quantum Physics
Michael (Professor of Physics and 2 more
£43.20 £48.00
Michael G. Raymer
Leslie P. (Distinguished Alfred C. Emery Professor of Law and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and 1 more
Marcelo M. (Director of Economic Policy and Poverty Reduction Programs for Africa and 1 more
Mara Einstein
Mara (Professor of Media Studies and 2 more
Physician-Assisted Death
L.W. Sumner
Kristen A. (Medical Director and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and 1 more
Kristen A. Feemster
The New Middle East
James L. ( and 1 more
Latinos in the United States
Ilan (Lewis-Sebring Professor in Latin American and Latino Culture and 1 more
Measuring Research
Cassidy R. (Associate Professor of Informatics and 3 more
Cassidy R. Sugimoto and 1 more
Children and Environmental Toxins
Philip J. Landrigan and 1 more
Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
Steven R. Sabat
Steven R. (Professor of Psychology and 2 more
China in the 21st Century
Jeffrey N. (Chancellor's Professor of History and 3 more
Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom and 1 more
India in the 21st Century
Mira Kamdar
Mira (Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute and an Associate Fellow at the Asia Society and 1 more
John L. (University Professor of Religion and International Affairs and 1 more
John L. Esposito and 1 more
Scholarly Communication
Rick (Associate Dean for Collections and Scholarly Communications and 1 more
The White Working Class
Justin (Assistant Professor of Public Policy and 2 more
Michael J. (Samuel Ashe Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Law and 1 more
Michael J. Gerhardt
Neil (Pete Kameron Endowed Chair in Law and 2 more
Environmental Pollution in China
Daniel (Professor of History and 2 more
John Campbell and 1 more
John (Ralph Bunche Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies and 2 more
Todd (Vibhooti Shukla Professor of Economics and Political Economy and 1 more
Food and Nutrition
P.K. (Adjunct Associate Professor of Nutrition and 3 more
Neil Netanel
Erica (Associate Professor of Political Science and 2 more
P. K. Newby
Erica Frantz
Modern Egypt
Bruce K. (Associate Professor of Political Science and 3 more
The Alt-Right
George (Assistant Professor of Political Science and 2 more
Women's Sports
Jaime (Associate Professor of Kinesiology and 2 more
Behavioral Finance
H. Kent Baker and 2 more
The Book Business
Mike (CEO and 6 more
H. Kent (University Professor of Finance and 3 more
North Korea
Patrick McEachern
David (Research Associate and 3 more
The Arctic
Klaus Dodds and 1 more
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Dov Waxman
Patrick (Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow and 1 more
£49.50 £55.00
Klaus (Professor of Geopolitics and 4 more
Dov (Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation Professor of Israel Studies and 2 more
The Opioid Epidemic
Yngvild Olsen and 1 more
Mary E. (Professor and 3 more
Mary E. Wilson
Yngvild (Medical Director and 3 more
Campaigns and Elections
Dennis W. (Professor Emeritus of Political Management and 2 more
Frank (Emeritus Professor of Physics and 2 more
F. E. Close
Dennis W. Johnson
The Philippines
Steven Rood
Nolan (Susan Dod Brown Professor of Politics and Public Affairs and 1 more
Nolan M. McCarty
Serhy (Professor of History and Germanic and Slavic Studies and 2 more
Taxes in America
Leonard E. (Paul Volcker Professor of Behavioral Economics and 2 more
Peter J. (Charles Weiner Professor of Law and 2 more
Asher Orkaby
Dale Stuart Wright
Dale S. (David B. and Mary H. Gamble Professor of Religion and 2 more
The Amazon
Mark J. (President and 2 more
Richard D. (Professor of Public and International Affairs and Director of the School of Public and International Affai Mahoney
Mark J. Plotkin
Richard D. Mahoney
The Qur'an
Jane Dammen McAuliffe
Philip J. Cook and 1 more
R. I. M. Dunbar
Barbara Olasov Rothbaum and 1 more
Radicalization to Terrorism
Sophia Moskalenko
The Internet of Things
Scott J. Shackelford
Barbara O. (Professor and 3 more
Sophia (Postdoctoral Research Fellow and 2 more
Eating Disorders
B. Timothy (William and Joy Ruane Professor of Pediatric Psychopharmacology in the Department of Psychiatry and 1 more
B. Timothy Walsh and 2 more
Birth Control
Beth Sundstrom and 1 more
China's Economy
Arthur R. Kroeber
Beth L. (Associate Professor of Communication and Public Health and 1 more
International Trade
Anne O. (Senior Research Professor of International Economics at the School for Advanced International Studies and 1 more
Barnett R. Rubin
Terryl Givens
Origin of Life
David W. Deamer
Gail (Dean and 4 more
Gail Steketee and 1 more
Anne O. Krueger
Serhy Yekelchyk
Robin Dunbar
The Bible
Michael (Professor of Religious Studies and 2 more
Violence against Women
Jacqui (Professor of Politics and International Relations and 2 more
Michael David Coogan
Laura Erickson-Schroth and 1 more
Violence Against Women
Jacqui True
Asher (Associate Research Scholar and 2 more
Laura (Psychiatrist and 4 more
Civil Resistance
Erica Chenoweth
Paul B. (W.K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural Food and 3 more
Paul B. Thompson and 1 more
Phil Husbands
Phil (Research Professor of Artificial Intelligence and 1 more
Jonathan (Professor and 3 more
Jonathan Rottenberg
Women in the Workforce
Laura M. Argys and 1 more
Jihad: What Everyone Needs to Know
Asma (Professor of Islamic Studies and 3 more
Asma Afsaruddin
Business Ethics
J. S. Nelson and 1 more
Sustainable Investing
Climate Change
Joseph J. Romm
Bruce W. Jentleson
Campaigns, Elections, and the Threat to Democracy
Secession and State Creation
James Ker-Lindsay and 1 more
James (Eurobank Senior Research Fellow on the Politics of South East Europe at the European Institute and 1 more
Bonnie Steinbock and 1 more
The Education Debate
David L. Kirp
Food Politics
Robert L. Paarlberg
Weather Prediction
Roberto Buizza
Free Speech
Nadine Strossen
Universal Basic Income
Matt Zwolinski and 1 more
Roberto (Professor of Physics and 2 more
James L. Gelvin
James L. (Professor and 3 more
White Privilege
Abby L. (Professor of Sociology and 3 more
Pre-order. 8th February 2024
Barnett R. (Senior Fellow and Associate Director of Afghanistan Pakistan Regional Program and 1 more
Generative Artificial Intelligence
Jerry (Adjunct Lecturer and 2 more
Remote and Hybrid Work
Barbara Z. (Executive Professor of Management and 3 more
Barbara Z. Larson
Judith S. Weis
Abby L. Ferber
Conservatism and the Republican Party
Geoffrey M. Kabaservice
Laura C. Rodrigues and 1 more
Suzette Glasner
Jorge Duany
Financial Inclusion
Jonathan Morduch and 1 more
The Syrian Crisis
Charles R. Lister
Pre-order. 1st March 2025
Libya and the West
Peter L. Hahn
The Metaverse
Scott J. Shackelford and 3 more
Pre-order. 15th July 2025